Proselyting Joyfully in Troubled Times

How are you doing and how is mission going for you? I hope you are really catching the missionary fun even at this time of your mission. Some Sundays ago I was privileged to discuss with my friends, lesson four of the Teachings of the Presidents of the Church President Ezra Taft Benson titled “Living Joyfully in Troubled Times.” It was a delightful conversation and I enjoyed the thoughts and experiences shared by my friends. Since that day, I have been thinking of you and so I have decided to share with you my testament on the love and care that God shows to us even in dire times.

President Benson taught that “we will all have disappointments and discouragements-that is part of life.” As a missionary, it is certain that disappointments would come. Dispiriting moments-times when you would wish not to have gone on mission-people rejecting you and so forth. The most disturbing part is that this sad, demoralizing, and faith crushing times may even be caused by your fellow missionaries or members of the church. Please when these moments come to remember the words of President Benson “if we will have faith, our setbacks will be but a small moments and success will come out of our seeming failures.” Indeed “happiness here and now consists in freely, lovingly, and joyfully acknowledging God’s will for us-and doing it in all ways and all affairs big and small.” I bear witness to you that no matter the sad times, you can still proselyte happily and joyfully.

You may be proselyting in places where most of the people may be feeling the blistering effects of harsh economy conditions-no power, no job, people who could barely eat, no money to even take a car to church, and so forth. In their eyes you may see frustrations, hopelessness, and misery-no sunshine. In addition to all these, they may be experiencing political fretfulness and fears-killings, demonstrations, and pandemonium- conditions that may force then to “curse God and die.” As a representative of Jesus Christ, please remember to “mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.” These people would need you to bring hope to their troubled souls, to fill their hearts with the peace, happiness, and joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ. You cannot make others happy when you are not happy.

“Of all people, we as Latter-day Saints should be the most optimistic and the least pessimistic” taught President Benson. It is palpable that “peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion,” reminisce also the strong declaration that “the Lord shall have power over his saints, and shall reign in their midst.” (D&C 1:35-36.)

There is nothing paralleled to the innermost peace and joy that comes from the Holy Ghost-the assurance that God lives and that He loves each of His children and He is at the helm of affairs over His children. I am thankful for the knowledge that I can, with full confidence place my trust in Him and He will never fail me. I know God lives and I know He loves me and hears me when I pray. Be ebullient always. Proselyte gleefully, teach happily, and serve enthusiastically because God does not dwell in despair and melancholy but in light and love and you shall be happy.

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